Monday, 29 August 2016

Pointless Game Show


The title of game show is 'Pointless'. This word means having little or no sense, so from the title i can gather that the game show hasn't got much sense about something, that it is different compared to other game shows.

Title Sequence:

Image result for pointless
The show starts off with the host, who tells the audience a bit about the show, he says "Welcome to Pointless, the show where the aim of the game is to score as few points as you can and you do that by coming up with answers that no one else can think of".  

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Next, the guests on the show are welcomed and the audience are told a bit about them. Each team has two people, they are normally partners, they each tell the audience about themselves saying their names and where they are from. The guests are then told the team with the highest score at the end of each round will be sent home. 
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Then, a category goes up on the screen such as numbers or cities etc. One person from each team has to go up to the podium meaning they will be taking the turn. Then, 7 clues go up on the screen and the first team has to choose one, they then have to give an answer trying to be as radnom as possible. After, they look at how many people have also said that answer it could be up to 100 or as low as 0, the lower the number the less you score which is good, becuase if you keep scoring hgih numbers then you will be sent home. If you get an answer wrong you get 100 points which means you are very likely to be sent home.

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When there are only two teams left they go head to head in the semi final, they have two circles on their podiums and the first team to get both their lights lit up win, to get the lights lit up they have to get the lowest score. The team that wins goes into the final. To win the jackpot from the final which is a lot of money, they are given 4 categories to choose from, the one the choose has then got another 3 categories and the one they choose they have to give 3 answers. If one of those answers is pointless meaning 0 points they win the money. If they dont then the dont win the money and they just get a trophie.

 Rules of the show:

The rules of the show are that you have to get the answer right to get a low number and it has to be an asnwer that not many people have said before. If you score a lot of points you have to go home as you have failed. Another rules is that you cant ask for any help, and you cant speak to the other teams about any of the answers or questions as this would be seen as cheating.


The type of people that are on the show can be anyone, the teams can be partners or friends or family, they can be from anywhere and have completely different jobs. The different teams wont know each other but they can have similiar backgrounds etc.


When watching Pointless you dont get to see much of the audience but you can hear them laugh etc. The audience can be anyone, families, friends, partners, or people who just like the show and want to watch.


The show is hosted by a man called Alexander Armstrong, he is 46 years old, is married to Hannah Bronwen Snow and has three children. He is not only a host but is also a singer with an album names 'A year of songs'. From watching him host the show, i can gather that he is a funny person who isnt too strict, he makes a lot of jokes during the show and gets people more involved. 

My Opinion:

I like the show, it is different to others because instead of trying to score as many points as possible you have to score less points to win. I like it as it is interesting, however i do find the show confusing at times as a lot of it isn't explained in much detail meaning you have to figure a lot of it out by yourself, but never the less it is enjoyable to watch.

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